Monday 20 February 2012

Badminton Rules: Getting the Perfect Serve

When it comes to all the tennis match is based is known that one of the crimes, the most important is a good defense. For this reason, when you are really trying to win the game you have to make sure to do your best when your turn to serve.

And it can be of great help to ensure that sound you do not have at the end to defend when playing the real game. One of the tricks to send the goods is to make sure you are fully aware of the rules of the service, and can be met. Costly service errors in a game like badminton, where anything can happen, and you want to ensure that the commissioning lead, not the defense. These are some of the rules of service is important that you have to keep in badminton.

1. Not delay - and form of service in badminton consists of a position where it can lift the foot backwards. The moment your foot is lifted again can not come and go, but must serve immediately. It will lead to the point of getting on the other side

2. GPS - the service both in badminton and tennis involves both players to be on the diagonal side of the court. If you are using right in front of your opponent, and once again point out that your opponent will. GPS is also important in badminton doubles. In the case of doubles badminton can not prevent your opponent's point of view on the server. In addition, you must have both feet touching the Court

3. Rules of Tennis - badminton racket is required to hit the bottom or base of the cock of transport. It is also important to note that the putter shaft only downwards. This means that the racquet head must pointing upwards. It is also important to remember that during the service only starts from the racket back and move on. Unable to move the paddle back and forth once and begins to move forward.

4. Standards cock-bus through the shuttle valve should always be below the waist to serve the people. Moreover, during the service, parents should never hit the shuttle is in the downward movement, but always in the one at the end of day across the court. Lack wheel for the service is a point on the other side and the server service error

5. Ethics, the server can not make an attempt to service, if the opponent is not ready. However, the opponent must try to press the Submit button, it is considered good service.

Service standards are created to ensure that there is always an element of the defense of his side during a game of badminton. Make sure you have the heart to serve means that almost half of the battle in this game is in your favor. Of course, this also depends on the quality of service to his opponent and the good of his return.

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