Monday 6 August 2012

Badminton - A Sport For Counts, Cagney And The Whole Family

Badminton rackets to play with small and looking curiously called the wheel (or chicken), in fact a long history. Sports first appeared in China around 500 BC. Was called Transparency International Jian Zi and was played with the steering wheel and one foot.

The match was coming in the 16th century, which was interpreted by the European nobility (and thus the sport of the charges), and was known as "slim de Jeu" was French for "Game of the wheel." Has hit the ball a bit with the palm of your hand.

Call badminton or call Bona
Has been established the sport as we know it today by officers in the British Army in India in the mid-18th century. It was especially popular in the garrison town of the British in Pune and was known as Poona for a period of time.

Brought the retired officers of the British army the game to England, where the rules have been developed. Officially launched in 1873 in the house Badminton, Gloucestershire - hence the name of badminton.

Badminton in the United States
The United States was the first club in the badminton club in New York, which was founded in 1878. Badminton's popularity took off in the 1930s, schools, YMCA and hundreds of new badminton clubs that offer lessons in the sport. And also boosted its popularity in 1930 due to play hungry for these stars in Hollywood like James Cagney (Cagney sports), Douglas Fairbanks, Karloff Boris, Dick Powell, Ginger Rogers and Bette Davis.

How it compares with the Badminton other sports
I played one of the most interesting things about this game with the wheel, feathers and shells, making them fly Unlike balls used in other sports. Feathers of the wheel to create resistance is much higher, so it slows down much faster than the ball.

Although there were no studies compared the final badminton with other sports, there is general agreement that - especially in the version - and stamina required more than tennis tennis while requires more body strength and upper base.

Also agree that the sport requires certainly more explosive sports of tennis and athletics more explosive than a little pumpkin. It also requires the reaction times are much faster than any of the squash or tennis.

Family fun or fierce competition
Another thing that makes this sport unique is that can be played for fun or serious competition. If you ever see the Olympic badminton, you will know what we mean - the pace is very rapid and requires incredible agility. However, you can spend no more than $ 19.95, and a reduction in your backyard and see that their children spend hours fighting each other for the honor of the family. This is certainly something we can not be said for basketball, football or tennis, and even. visit for tips on how to choose everything from the development of badminton for fun family team badminton backyard wants to play competitive badminton.

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