Friday 2 March 2012

What Do You Think About When Choosing A New Badminton Racquet?

Almost every day I get emails from around the world badminton tell me about your style of play on the badminton court. Then I asked what is the best bike of his own style of play.

If you spent some time reading my blog or forum, you probably already know the answer to give. However, for the reader who is not in this blog, here is the answer always ...

"His style, technique and experience of badminton, a fitness and muscular structure, unlike the past one another on this issue. So how do you think of the badminton racket is also different for me and other players , and that means that nobody can provide advice to the precision with which the palette is used. "

I sincerely believe that the only person who can decide if the rocket is for you ... You. However, this means you should take your time and go through the experience of trying different rackets.

This is the place that is a big problem. Most players do not have access to a wide range of badminton. There are very few retailers have demo racquets for players tested in this area, which means it is almost impossible to get the best choice on the first try.

The experience here?

As your experience grows, badminton, and develop a sense or instinct for what you want to paddle and what did not appeal. This experience and very valuable, can sometimes be at the expense of the game. Let me give you an example ...

Several years ago, I selected Armortec 900 racket for me and the opportunity to choose. I love my bike and seems to cover many aspects of my game. There is a strong player and, of course, requires additional weight in the racquet head to help me in the attack.

One day, and start with a player of the presentation session, for some reason really struggling defense, which made me question my decision AT900P. The following season, the exchange of missiles Nanospeed 9900, as chairman of light. I went immediately to defend my country "back to normal" for a certain period of time, and still is hard to hit.

During the season I realized that my success is that more often during which puzzled me. What has changed? It took a while to know that my body has adjusted to the lightest racquet head. First, the change in the light head with a heavy head of the rocket means that the muscles are used to working harder to play a shot in the head. The muscles work when moved very difficult for the first time they have better results. Over time, under the control of muscles, for some reason, which ultimately left me with a bad outcome.

So I chose my old AT900P and try again. In the beginning was slow, but when I started to break an immediate improvement. Then I realized what had happened, and I can not ask the right question.

The lesson here is that regardless of my experience, I made a mistake, because the results of not asking the right questions. Now I know what questions to ask before choosing a bike - right?

Ask the right questions

The first question really should be asking is ...

1) Do I really need a new racket?

You see, many players create beliefs to justify themselves, they need a new racket. Most often the case is simple - not needed. However, marketing companies lead us to believe that playing with the racket, "that" magically makes you a better player. This is simply not true.

If you really want to see a significant improvement in his game, and then invest in the training course or instructor. And a good coach can do more to help improve your game than any new bike can be.

Of course, if there is a crack or bat also used, and then maybe it is time for change. Also indicated that the yield can be re-wire bat again, so that the string tension and the type of test suite.

Well, we covered the first point. What is the next question?

2) What are the characteristics of the current bike that I like / dislike?

You should be aware of why you want to cycle on the list, because ultimately, this is evidence of a starting point to know where to start selecting his replacement. If you want a flexible shaft, through what is perhaps the most important feature that needs a new racquet. By all means try to paddle shaft with flexible or solid, which will verify the information and if you find tastes have changed. Do the same with the weight of the head and the actual weight of the racket grip size and although I am aware that some countries have limited offerings of some of these functions compared to other

3) What aspects of my game is what I'm getting better with this new racket?

This question makes you look in the current game for the first time to decide what are the most important qualities you want to improve. Change in the rocket really help? The answer may be positive, depending on the characteristics listed in the personal information.

4) What aspects of my game and am willing to allow a decrease in productivity, so you can decide?

This is no less important to question 3. Take a quick example here. You have decided that they wanted more power in government spending, and therefore are now looking for a head heavy racquet. This reduces their ability to protect the area around the net and blades move more slowly than the current model. However, these exercises can improve one place.

5) I am willing to pay?

The question before, I know. We all play on a budget, then you have to weigh if you look at the bats are more expensive, and perhaps buy a rocket, or is willing to do a bit and see aa an average price of shoes would probably budget to buy two or more of the rockets, and (we know that a rocket for you), and therefore, we have spare parts for the moment to break the rope, or worse, out of a collision.


It covers a number of points here. Remember that no one can say exactly what is the best badminton racket in particular. By all means listen to other players, but remember that you will have a completely different reference What makes a good putter. Ask them if they do not care to deal with the rockets, at least you have the knowledge to save, either on your list as well as directly, or you can ignore this complete stranger and not worth investing in them.

Use the questions they were given and we hope you can make an informed decision. Keep your ego out of the way. In other words, do not buy the next big thing for manufacturers is also used for their favorite player. What suits them is unlikely to be necessary, and certainly will not make you play like them! If you buy one of these missiles and then not like it and think about how they look in front of Friends "of the pen? I'm sure some think they have more money than sense!

Finally, do you think you can get a better return on investment in a coach or trainer. Solving the technical problems of the poor and help you learn more skills and ensure that these life skills. Badminton racket rarely lasts as long as that.

Paul Stewart badminton coach, developed and is based in Cheshire, United Kingdom, but also training in Lancashire.

Manchester new song Badminton Association for the period 1995-1999, the 2 teams regularly work on weekends. The focus of training to achieve this medal for third place teams in the league in 1999 for the information and communication. ICT Summit County youth and time are the most popular places on your computer.

Some players have a weekly training session in the league, badminton coach young man is also in the province as one of the assistant coaches in the cell of minors, Middlewich Cheshire.

1 comment:

  1. does racquet hoop size put increase spin?
    or just string pattern and flex are the factors for tennis racquets for spin
